Friday, April 13, 2007

The United Methodist Racial/Ethnic Clergywomen’s Consultation, Los Angeles, January 3-5, 2008

The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry is planning to have The United Methodist Racial/Ethnic Clergywomen’s Consultation for United Methodist racial/ethnic clergywomen who reside in the United States on January 3-5, 2008. We are meeting at the Radisson Hotel which is located at the Los Angeles Airport. Our theme is Rising From Our Common Ground: the scripture we have chosen says, "Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? Isaiah 43:19.” (The Message)

We are expecting to have 500 participants. The last gathering of racial/ethnic UM clergywomen was held in 1982 and this is the second denominational gathering in 25 years.

The Goals of this consultation are as follows:
To respond to the Council of Bishops’ one of Seven Vision Pathways: expanding racial/ethnic ministries primarily a vision for U.S. conferences.
.To address the findings of a 2005 study, The Status of Racial-Ethnic Minority Clergywomen In The United Methodist Church by GBHEM
.To affirm racial/ethnic clergywomen’s ministries and their leadership in the church
.To engage in dialogue among racial/ethnic clergywomen and seek strategies to reinforce actions for change
.To theologize and articulate racial/ethnic clergywomen’s experiences
.To sensitize the Church to racial/ethnic clergywomen’s issues.

This is a new beginning for racial/ethnic clergywomen as they come together seeking unity among them to rise up for the best of humanity. This event is more significant since our denomination celebrated the 50th anniversary of clergy rights for women in the Methodist tradition in 2006 and it is time for us to seriously reinforce actions for change.

Please encourage racial/ethnic clergy and candidates for ministry in your conference to come to this event. Please visit and follow the link to for more information.

If you have any questions, please contact me at or 615-340-7409.
HiRho Y. Park, D. Min. Director of Continuing Formation for Ministry