Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Discipleship agency invites Methodists to ‘turn aside and see’ if God is calling

NASHVILLE, Tenn., January 22, 2008/GBOD/ --The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship is sponsoring “Turn Aside and See: Is God Calling?” Mar. 8, 2008, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., in Tempe, Ariz.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Brentwood, Tenn.; and Dallas, Texas.

The agency is harnessing the power of the Exodus story of Moses and the burning bush to help churches discern God’s call and strive to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
“The church is in such a time of change. We need space and opportunity for reflection and discernment around God’s call to us — who we are as disciples and what are we called to do in this place,” said Carol Krau, GBOD team leader, Congregational Leaders Team.

“Turn Aside and See” ( invites participants to hear God’s call through a free one-day study and discussion of Exodus 3 and 4. Moses’ encounter with the “Burning Bush” is the inspiration for the event’s theme and title of the core curriculum for Discipleship University, GBOD’s groundbreaking new initiative that addresses the denomination’s leadership needs.

Pastors, laity, church staff, individuals or teams from churches may attend the event being offered simultaneously in the following locations.

Western USA: First United Methodist Church, Tempe, Ariz.
North Central USA: St. Luke United Methodist Church, Indianapolis, Ind.
Northeastern USA: Tindley Temple United Methodist Church, Philadelphia, Penn.
Southeastern USA: Brentwood United Methodist Church, Brentwood, Tenn.
South Central USA: St. Luke’s Community United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas.

“This event is a preview of the Discipleship University Core Curriculum. It will assist local churches in becoming places of disciple making through focusing on discipleship systems,” said the Rev. Vance P. Ross, top executive for GBOD’s Leadership Ministries.

In addition to a deep Scripture study and reflection, participants will receive help in discovering God’s call, naming excuses that prevent congregations from answering God’s call, and identifying ways to answer God’s call despite the current reality.
Attendees will also receive resource materials to lead a study in their own congregation and an introduction to other opportunities for training local church leaders.

A copy of the Bible study and lunch will be provided. Travel and lodging will be at the expense of participants. For more information, contact Mary McDonald,, or call toll-free 877-899-2780, ext. 1760.