Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's in the mail . . . watch for yours. Church leaders across the nation will soon get valuable resources from UMCOM and other church agencies

Four times a year United Methodist Communications sends out a mailing to local church pastors and leaders across the connection distributing valuable resources. The packet contains materials produced by United Methodist Communications, including materials that interpret and promote the general funds of the denomination, and programmatic materials from other agencies working with the United Methodist Church.

The next packet is scheduled to be mailed from Nashville, Tennessee on or about December 1st and church leaders can expect to receive them anytime between then and about December 20th. It will contain resources from: United Methodist Communications; General Board of Global Ministries; General Board of Higher Education and Ministry; General Council on Finance and Administration; and the Society of St. Andrew (Advance #801600) national hunger relief ministry.

The brochure from the Society of St. Andrew focuses on mission outreach to America’s hungry people. It offers churches the opportunity to covenant with the Society of St. Andrew to be in mission feeding God’s children, as Jesus Christ commands His followers to do: “… you give them something to eat!” Matthew 14:16b

United Methodist Communications has produced several pieces geared to help and inspire church leaders in their work: a TechShop flier; Pastor to Pastor flier; Ministry and Tools brochure; Electronic Calendar and United Methodist News Service Online program information.

The General Council on Finance and Administration has supplied the Financial Commitment Book, which is the 2008 General Conference approved quadrennial financial budget for the denomination.

The General Board of Global Ministries is promoting the One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday, which will be observed in March of 2009. The envelope, pocket folder and flyer in the packet features the One Great Hour of Sharing 2009 theme. The flyer also lists resources that churches can order to help support this Sunday.

The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry has included its Fall “Africa University Today” newsletter.

The Society of St. Andrew’s four-page brochure highlights the United Methodist Church General Conference 2008 Resolution resolving that the UMC commend the Society of St. Andrew as a partner organization with the UMC in alleviation of hunger in the United States. The resolution further commends the partnership between local churches and the Society of St. Andrew through volunteer service and gifts through The Advance #801600.

The Society’s brochure describes the dichotomy of vast need in this nation of plenty, points out God’s call to the Church to minister to the poor and feed the hungry, and spells out what steps local churches can take to become a Covenant Church feeding the hungry.

For more information about the packet contact Lladale Carey at United Methodist Communications: 615-742-5104 or For information about the Society of St. Andrew contact Rev. Jennifer Vestal Moore at 800-333-4597 or